Le Newsletter

A subscription based - occasionally shifting publication where you’ll find interviews with contemporary creatives and compelling artists, the latest in NYC art (what to see, what you missed, & innovative approaches to collecting) - as well as articles, essays, & recommendations perfect for artists, collectors, creatives, & lovers of aesthetics & the written word.

Le Newsletter exists under the Postmodern Indigenous umbrella - & is the perfect gateway into the many things this writer & curator led brand, project, practice, & platform exist as - both online & in the world.

From the Editor

Being a writer is rarely just being a writer in the here & now.

As ethical vegan cook & food writer Alicia Kennedy put it,

Something is happening to the food writers: We’re loosing our minds. This job requires knowledge of not just food and cooking, plus whatever one’s niche is that makes them desirable on the market, but also be a photographer (not new) and now a videographer…maybe we should know how to host a podcast and edit audio, for good measure.

We are everything, because there’s no other choice. …I am loathe to think of myself as an entrepreneur. Yet here I am.

Here I am.

Here is this newsletter.

The Newsletter. Le Newsletter. A collection of prose, interviews, and what I hope will be useful resources - whether you’re looking for a new project, an inspiring coffee table book, or a residency opportunity.

It is also a way to explore new and more natural ways to be everything. To write and live in a way that aligns. It is possibility and contribution.

More Than A Newsletter

Paid subscribers to Le Newsletter will receive exclusive travel guides as well as creative and art job opportunities. Subscribers will also be kept up to date on new external published work from the editor, limited offers for creative services, and invitations to be a part of digital and in-person creative service offerings and collaborations - possible because of all of the other things I’ve gotten and had to be along with being a writer.

buyer consultant, an interior design firm employee, subject & canvas…

Creator, Writer, and Editor of Le Newsletter, Ashley J.


Subscribe to The Newsletter (Working Title)

mostly art.


Art Writer & Creative. 🐊🔥🌘 Minor Deity | Curator 🔥 | Find me on IG: @postmodernindigenous